Amalgamating Hsieh Teh Ching’s one-year performances, Kim Jung-Gi’s stream-of- consciousness figural output, and Pablo Picasso’s synthesis of the visual form,Chase Cha (Lao-Cha) voices a contemporary message of inquiry into being and potential. Foremost a performance artist of extended durational aesthetics, Cha exemplifies his self-termed “Adlib Aesthetics” via a performative forbidding of direct visual references while wielding a spray can.

Cha works mainly with duration, space, and spray paint.

融合了谢德庆一年的表演艺术、金正基的意识流人物输出以及巴勃罗·毕加索的视觉形式综合,(Chase Cha)老茶表达了对存在意识和潜力的当代探索信息,作为一位具有长期美学表演的行为艺术家,老茶通过在挥舞喷雾罐时禁止视觉参考的艺术表演来体现他自称的“即兴美学”。


“缘分会到.” -老茶